Wednesday, December 01, 2004

I Am Reduced

Yesterday, when Zoe was in the other office, or as I like to call it, the "Stupid Dumb Place," she ate tapioca pudding. But did she really? She told me she did. When I actually stood up and walked down the hallway to talk to Zoe, I saw the plastic container that once held the tapioca pudding. It still held the spoon she used! I believe that she ate the tapioca, because I spotted this damning evidence. Of course, if she had been sitting in her real desk all day, I wouldn't need to see such evidence. I would have seen her walk by my desk with the pudding, and I would have heard her eat the pudding, and I would have heard her comment on the flavor, texture, and overall appeal of the pudding. See what I am reduced to? A petty sleuth, that's what I am reduced to.

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