Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Apres Amy, le Deluge

This may surprise you, but Zoe didn't always sit in the cubicle next to Annette. Before Zoe, there was Amy. Amy and Annette used to talk to each other just like Zoe and Annette talk to each other now. Only it was different because Zoe was not there and Amy was. I hope you're getting this down. Anyway, I just came across a stickie note whereupon I'd transcribed the following Amy/Annette conversations... my stars, it must have been 4 years ago. Maybe three.

SCENE ONE, Saturday morning

AMY: I almost bought you a Britney Spears calendar.

ANNETTE: Oh, cute!

AMY: But I didn't.

ANNETTE: It was the thought that counted.

AMY: Good.

SCENE TWO, later that morning

AMY: BLTs last night.

ANNETTE: That's great!

AMY: I feel like a new woman.

ANNETTE: I bet you do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're lagging! Update your Zoetracker!

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