Saturday, October 30, 2004

Terrible News

Zoe is going to a party tonight. She will be wearing a non-sexy, non-midriff-bearing genie costume. She will accessorize with gold nail polish, body glitter, fake eyelashes, genie shoes and pink cheeks. The party is in the boonies! Braham, MN. Tract homes and meth labs and pit bulls, don’t you know. When I asked Zoe if she was going to get drunk as a skunk, she squealed “YEEES!” and laughed her head off. I am worried that Zoe will wake up in a muddy field tomorrow - cold, alone, and with mangled clown makeup - far from the warmth and protection of the city. She will have to drag herself to the interstate and flag down a car. And who will stop to pick up a disheveled, rummy genie on a Sunday morning? Like I said, I’m very worried about Zoe.

1 comment:

Chris Cope said...

Are you crazy? Who WOULDN'T stop to pick up a disheveled, rummy genie on a Sunday morning!!?? It would be like a dream come true!

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