Wednesday, October 27, 2004


I showed Zoe my cherry-flavored wax lips and she had a fit. She screeched, "IS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE GUM!?" and "IT'S NOT GUM, IT'S JUST WAX!!" The wax lips deeply disturbed her. I suppose she is bothered by the way wax lips put form before function.

Yet somehow her grody chocolate zombie lips pass muster.


Chris Cope said...

The purpose of wax lips have long been a mystery to me. Are you supposed to eat the wax? If not, why is it flavored? Wax lips confound me.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with you? Wax lips are delicious. And the fact that I used to eat birthday candles has nothing to do with my feelings about injesting wax and other petroleum by-products.

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