Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Zoe, Smell My Jar

A small jar showed up in the office. It had a few pens in it, so I threw the pens aside. I often throw things aside in the office. I put the jar on my desk and said to Zoe, "Zoe, smell my jar." She refused. I repeated this request at regular intervals throughout the day. All I got were a few giggles. Eventually, curiosity will drive Zoe to smell the jar. Probably when I'm not looking.


Anonymous said...

Today, your day away from the unrelenting drudgery of this godforsaken office, Zoe picked up her hot pink plastic sea anemone and took a deep, purposeful whiff. She said nothing, but I was able to decipher her facial expression. She was fantasizing, "This pink sea anemone is H's jar."

Esther Wilberforce-Packard said...

I KNEW IT! Zoe smells everything she can get her nose on! She'll be smelling my jar in no time. I may hold her anemone for ransom. Price for anemone freedom: smell the jar.

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