Tuesday, September 21, 2004

I Help Zoe Come to Terms With Her Face

Zoe said that her facial features look funny on her face. I told her that she looks fine. I told her that she should look at me. I look great. You would be hard pressed to locate another face as pleasant as mine. Even when I am crabby or furious, my pleasant face can calm a nervous puppy or put a freaked-out baby to sleep. I’m frightfully beautiful these days.


Anonymous said...

it's not that her facial features are displeasing. the issue is that her head is so gigantic. so big that her bumbershoot can barely keep her noggin dry when it's precipitating. and don't get me wrong. it's not a frighteningly large head. it's just really really big.

Anonymous said...

I, Zoƫ, do hereby confirm all rumors regarding the enormity of my noggin.

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