Sunday, September 19, 2004

Enormous Powerpuff Head Update

Her head is on my couch. Elka said the Powerpuff head looks like my head. I never know what to do with these comments.

Ways In Which My Head Differs From The Enormous Powerpuff Head:

1. I don't wear pig tails
2. I wear corrective lenses
3. My head, soft and stuffed as it is, is not plush
4. My hair is less blonde
5. My head has a body, knock on wood
6. I just don't look like that head
7. Elka is wrong, I'm sorry
8. My head talks
9. I'm not in a cartoon, knock on wood again
10. I do not save lives for a living
11. See No. 7

1 comment:

Chris Cope said...

Perhaps you should take up life-saving. The hours are crap, but the pay is good.

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